Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Not that I have ANY right to be on here - with the list of stuff I have to do, but, I was sick of looking at those nasty snowy photos from my last post...

So...I thought I would throw out an update of what we've been up to.

Basketball & Swim season(s) are over now and our weeknights and weekends are suddenly free - YEAH!!! We love the games and swim meets but after months of them - it is time for a break. So now we have filled the weekends with a Pierogi making party at Liz & Nates and a much needed Dumpling Run in Northampton this past weekend. I have included some photos from the day. After Dave got his fill of dumplings (26 - a light day) we enjoyed the gorgeous weather and did some shopping. We love it there!!! Can't wait for our next trip - it will be a summer trip - yeah!!
Besides our new "free weekends" - we are hooked on American Idol (as usual) and have our top 3 already predicted - Danny, Lil Rounds & Adam. (I'll have to remember to check back to this post when May rolls around and we get to the end).
We are all excited about the release of TWILIGHT on DVD this Saturday!!! Kristen has her shirt (see photo below) all ready to wear when we pick up our copy.
So that is the latest dirt on us ... maybe my next post will actually be about something interesting :)) ......
