Monday, May 4, 2009

Blog - What Blog????

Wow - it's been awile since I visited this site!
Facebook and Sadie have taken over my life so I have failed to keep myself up to date on here.
I guess my Idol prediction was wrong since Lil Rounds is now gone. She really went down hill through this competition. Now that we are down to 4 (who are all really great) I really have NO IDEA who will win this now!
My month of May is going to be insane!
I have Kristen's birthday to plan, a trip to Aruba at the end of the month followed quickly by a weekend in Chicago, plus all the 5th grade stuff to finish up on and a science project to help Krissy with ... that's just the major stuff ... so I am starting to get a little stressed ...
So, with that said ... let's see how long it takes for me to BLOG again ... probably after school gets out ..

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Not that I have ANY right to be on here - with the list of stuff I have to do, but, I was sick of looking at those nasty snowy photos from my last post...

So...I thought I would throw out an update of what we've been up to.

Basketball & Swim season(s) are over now and our weeknights and weekends are suddenly free - YEAH!!! We love the games and swim meets but after months of them - it is time for a break. So now we have filled the weekends with a Pierogi making party at Liz & Nates and a much needed Dumpling Run in Northampton this past weekend. I have included some photos from the day. After Dave got his fill of dumplings (26 - a light day) we enjoyed the gorgeous weather and did some shopping. We love it there!!! Can't wait for our next trip - it will be a summer trip - yeah!!
Besides our new "free weekends" - we are hooked on American Idol (as usual) and have our top 3 already predicted - Danny, Lil Rounds & Adam. (I'll have to remember to check back to this post when May rolls around and we get to the end).
We are all excited about the release of TWILIGHT on DVD this Saturday!!! Kristen has her shirt (see photo below) all ready to wear when we pick up our copy.
So that is the latest dirt on us ... maybe my next post will actually be about something interesting :)) ......


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's not broken!!!! YEAH!!!
Erica is very happy that she can finish her Travel Basketball season!!!!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Girl's Weekend

The first part of my blog today is for Andy. After reading his blog about the "storm of the season" they had down in MD (3/4") I had to send him some "lovely" photos of the fun we've been having here ... the photo on the right shows the result of many plow trips around our circle (now don't get me wrong - THANK GOD we get it plowed!!!!) The snow looks so beautiful laden with a coating of DIRT!!!! I'm not even going to get started on the fact that half that dirt ends up on the kitchen floor - I really can't wait for Spring!!!!!

The rest of the photos are from this last weekend. We had a "Girl's Weekend" since Dave was away on his annual golf trip to FL. I'm sure we had more fun than he did since it averaged 40 degrees everyday and he brought mostly shorts and one pair of long pants (which he ripped on Saturday and had to sew himself). He also came home sick as a dog!!!!

The girls (Elley, Krissy, Sarah, Rach & I) spent Friday and Saturday together. Friday night we ended up being DUD heads!!! Except for Krissy and Sarah. They spent the night trying to completely WRECK Krissy's room. They succeeded!!!!
(I still refuse to touch that room until I get some help)....

Saturday night we went to Mimi and Poppi's for dinner (joined now by Tom & James). That is what the majority of the pictures are from... After a WILD game of hide and seek I could see that Mimi and Poppi were ready for us to leave!!!

Young Young Tats!!!!!!!!!!

Our weekend ended in the ER with Elley. She had a game in Glastonbury and played excellent - however her attempt at getting more aggresive at her game - she got nailed in her right wrist and as of right now we are unsure whether her growth plate is fractured. We are all crossing our fingers that it's not broken!!! She goes to the Doc today at 3:15.

I hope to keep up with my blog posts here, however I have been distracted since I'm on FaceBook now.... If you're not on - JOIN! It's pretty cool.....

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Good and the Bad

The beginning of my week started out BAAADDD!!!! After dealing with tooth pain all weekend I knew I had to call the dentist. It was the last thing I needed this week so I put it off until Tuesday morning. By that point I felt like the throbbing in my face would eventually make all my hair fall out. If you are reading this and have had a tooth ache - you know what I am talking about. Things worked out great after that. Dr. Kowalski was able to see me that day at noon and what I assumed would happen - happened. He had to do an instant root canal procedure on me. The novocain felt like heaven (UNTIL IT WORE OFF AROUND 4:00). Needless to say I took my Hydrocodone which just made me groggy and Penicillin and started my route to recovery.
I was determined not to let this pain ruin a day Dave and I had planned for yesterday. The girls had a day off yesterday (not for the snow) for a teacher's workshop. So, I loaded up on Advil and we took off up to the Woodbury Ski Area for tubing. It was AWESOME!!!! We ignored the slight rain (which kept everyone else away). We were the only ones on the mountain!!!!!!! I can tell that I am turning into an old lady mamma because every time the girls went flying down the "expert hill" I would annoyingly tell them "BE CAREFUL - BE CAREFUL!" Well, guess who was the only one to flip (twice) on the "expert hill"??? You got it - it was ME! Well, thank God we had helmets because when my head hit the snow/ice TWICE - that did a number on the ol' root canal that the Advil had let me forget about for a few hours. It was so worth the pain - it was great!!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

IT'S HERE!!!!!!!

Season 8 starts tonight!!! Be prepared for many future A.I. posts! The best thing about this season is that we now have DVR so we won't miss ANY episodes due to basketball or swim practices!!! I have it set on "record" already!!!Yesterday Erica and I joined Kristen at Ski Club for a night of skiing. I was TOTALLY impressed with my ability to keep myself upright and wake up this morning feeling only a tad bit sore. I only took one fall while exiting the chairlift the first time - only because it was kind of awkward and I didn't know what to do. But after that, I was a pro at it! Erica did amazing! I must say for someone who we many times call a klutz, she has great balance and coordination when it comes to sports like this. She's a great skater too so I had a feeling she'd nail the whole balance part of it. She does have a problem with the "need for speed" part. She was crazy! I recall a blog from a few months ago when we went to the Alpine Slide and she was the same way - however, she ended up flipping her cart and riping her arm open there. Kristen has gotten to be a pro herself! She spends most of the time racing her friends and kicking the boy's asses. SHE LOOOOVVEES that!
Anyway ... I thought I would include a few photos of myself - you can see them below.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


For some reason I always dread this time of year. A lot of you know that the whole New Year's celebration is NOT my favorite. I've never really known why, but I think it just has to do with Christmas being over .. heading back to school .. and so on ...
Well, now that my tree is down and decorations are put away, I can get focused on the year ahead. I am sure it will be A LOT less hectic than last year for us. Renovating the house, the "speed move" - it was crazy.
I can look ahead to a new season of American Idol (starting January 13th) ... and finishing my tenure as "PTO Mom" at Hatton School. My main wish for 2009 is that my family and friends remain healthy and happy.
In closing ... I wasn't going to load up my blog with more photos ... but there were some from Christmas that were so great I had to share them with you all .. ENJOY!